BIG History weaves evidence and insights from many scientific and historical disciplines across 13.7 billion years into a single, accessible origin story. This story explores who we are, how we got here, how we are connected to everything around us, and where we may be heading. The concept arose from a desire to go beyond the specialized and self-contained fields that emerged in the 20th century and grasp history as a whole, looking for common themes across the entire time scale of history.
While BIG History weaves together concepts and themes drawn from chemistry, physics and biology, it does so with a goal of helping students understand a historical narrative and ultimately human civilizations past, present, and future.
Course Question
While BIG History weaves together concepts and themes drawn from chemistry, physics and biology, it does so with a goal of helping students understand a historical narrative and ultimately human civilizations past, present, and future.
Course Question
- How did we get here?
- How has the universe and life within it grown more complex over 13.7 billion years?
- How do we know what we know about the past?
- How can we judge claims about the past?
- Why does what we “know” change over time?
- What difference does it make?